Global Connects are the first supplier on the Scottish Government Interpreting, Translation and Transcription Services Framework.
We provide comprehensive face-to-face and telephone spoken language interpreting services, and document translation and transcription services to fulfill the current and evolving needs of the Scottish Government departments. In addition to this, we also provide Easy Read, Large Print, Braille, speech-to-text, video-to text and text-to-speech services.
Please use the following contacts if you require services under this framework agreement:
Translation, Transcription or other services
Global Connects also have a place on the framework ‘Lot 4 – Written Translation and Transcription Service’ which assists the Northern Ireland Public Sector to communicate effectively with those who cannot read read or understand English. In addition to these services, we also provide proofreading and Desktop Publishing to the Northern Irish departments who can make use of this framework.
Please use the following contact if you require services under this framework agreement:
Translation, Transcription or other services
Global Connects have also been awarded a place on the ESPO Framework 402-20 This is a countrywide framework open to all blue light services, schools, academies, local authority establishments, NHS and HSC bodies, Central Government Departments and registered charities. Within this framework we provide Face to Face Interpreting, Remote Interpreting, Translation, Transcription and Additional Services such as Large Print, Easy Read, Braille and Audio.
Please use the following contacts if you require services under this framework agreement quoting ESPO Framework 402-20.
Translation, Transcription or other services
Global Connects is delighted to announce that we have been successful with another major public sector tender. This time, we have been named as a supplier on the CSS Framework Agreement for the Provision of Language Services. Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services.
LOT 1: National Managed Service.
LOT 2: Translation, Transcription and Ancillary Services
LOT 5K: Face to Face Interpreting Services, Scotland
Please use the following contacts if you require services under this framework agreement:
Translation, Transcription or other services
To contact the Crown Commercial Service
Telephone: 0345 410 2222