At Global Connects we love working with all our clients. Today we had a special visit from Jennifer McHarrie, Qualifications Co-ordinator for the Qualifications Development department in SQA…or should I say Co-òrdanaiche Theisteanas aig Roinn an Leasachaidh Theisteanais!
Jennifer and I worked together many years ago, but it’s great to be working with her again in a client / supplier role.
Today’s visit centred around discussions on our Project Management Portal and memoQ TMs and term bases, with a healthy insight into what future translation projects SQA will be sending our way.
Global Connects work with SQA on a wide range of translation projects from Corporate Publications to Question Papers and great emphasis is put on SQA’s term bases which have been built over many years of hard work from Jennifer and her team. Through memoQ, we are able to ensure only SQA approved terms are used in the Gaelic translations we provide to SQA, and our Translation Project Manager, Mairi Maclean, gave Jennifer a 1 2 1 masterclass on memoQ this morning, showing it to it’s full potential and extoling the virtues of using a CAT Tool for SQA’s translation projects.
We also worked with Jennifer to set her up with direct access to our Customer Portal which enables her to quickly and efficiently request new quotes or projects, in a secure environment. This is a tool which is available to all our clients and helps them to manage their translation projects in a secure and helpful way, giving them access to quotes, projects and invoicing.
Finished with a spot of lunch, it was an all-round great visit, and we look forward to the next one.
Le gach deagh dhùrachd
Fiona Woodford, Head of Language Services & Account Management
Global Connects