Global Connects supports the University of Strathclyde’s MSc Translation programme
Global Connects are always keen to find ways of helping budding translators and when we were approached by Dr Sharon Deane-Cox, Director of PGT (Humanities), Course Director & Senior Lecturer
in the MSc Business Translation & Interpreting department at Strathclyde, we were keen to get involved.
Dr Deane-Cox asked Global Connects to provide 60 hours of professional work experience to one of their students who had chosen the industry experience module as part of their course work. This work placement is intended to provide exposure to translation, post-editing, project management, quality control and give the students first-hand experience of working in the industry they have chosen for their careers.
James Fitzsimons started at Global Connects today and with his undergraduate degree in French and Journalism combined with his current MSc course in translation and an excellent work ethic, he has already proven to be an incredibly helpful and effective member of the team. Over the coming weeks we plan to work with James on a variety of tasks including full instruction on memoQ, glossary creation, translation memory management, proofreading and QA checks – it will be a busy 60 hours for James. Check in again in a couple of weeks to hear from James himself about how much he enjoyed his placement with Global Connects, and what lessons he can take with him as he starts his career working in translation.
As well as supporting Strathclyde with their work placement students, Fiona Woodford will also be meeting Dr Deane-Cox in March and hosting an open discussion with around 20 students from the Masters programme and the French and Spanish undergraduate Honours translation classes. This round table discussion will give students the opportunity to learn how Fiona started working in the translation industry and also students will have the chance of asking questions about how to work as a translator, the processes Global Connects follows, Translation Memory tools and their future and tricks and tips of how to work with translation agencies in their forthcoming careers – it’s sure to be an interesting evening.
Global Connects